Cindy McElrea Plants a Tribute to Her Son and His Brothers in Arms from Afghanistan
“Planting the trees first and foremost signifies a very valuable and memorable tribute. In addition, it offers a sanctuary for birds and wildlife, lots of greenery, and a buffer from the 401.”

Master Warrant Officer Bill Chisholm is in his 37th year in the RCAF
“It makes you grow a little taller when people say ‘Thank you for your service!’”, says Bill, but he tells us it makes him proud to know he has trees growing on his property that serve to honour those that have gone before him and those serving now.

Silver Cross Families
Here at the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign, we have had the honour of working with some Silver Cross families at our events. Families who lost a child at war, during a military exercise and other means. Each one serving Canada and its citizens at the time of their death.
We have met and become acquainted with many Silver Cross families since our campaign began almost five years ago. Each has a story that will make you glad you are sitting down, because the shock and sense of loss that they experience is staggering.

Bill Bachellier - 5,000 Trees for 5,000 Heroes
Bill reflects on the 5,000 trees now planted on his property, “It’s really not for me, it’s in honour of some other people who I don’t know, and the benefit will be reaped by somebody else who I may not know.”

The 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands and V-E Day
In 1945, 175,000 Canadian soldiers took part in the campaign to liberate the Netherlands from occupying German forces.
Nazi occupation of Western Europe started in 1940 and lasted until early May, 1945; at which point the German Army officially surrendered.

Types of Nursery Stock - A Report by Iowa State University
When the lay person thinks about planting trees, there are usually a few things they think about - species, size, cost, and that’s probably where it ends. When a horticulturalist or landscaper thinks about planting trees though, there is a lot more that they’re looking for in the perfect tree. They’re looking at how the roots have been ‘packaged.’

You Can Win 2 Tickets to Canada Blooms!
We will be doing weekly draws for 2 tickets to Canada Blooms March 13-22.

Greenhouse Academy - Helping to Plant the Way to a Better World
Doing more than just planting trees, we're also seeding the horticultural industry for tomorrow and engaging youth in the process. Starting last year, Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign started purchasing tree stock from Greenhouse Academy, a company committed to teaching students about the importance of environmental stewardship and community.

DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT IS BACK: Starting November 1st
All donations from now until December 31st 2019 at midnight, up to $100,000, will be matched by a generous benefactor that wishes to remain anonymous.

Frank Cowan Company - October 18th, Farewell Creek Trail, Courtice
We were honoured to welcome the family of Major Christopher Mariner with our sponsor Frank Cowan Company and our hearty volunteers, to plant 300 in the chilly but sunny day, in Courtice.

TD Tree Day - Sat. October 5th, Soper Creek, Bowmanville
A beautiful and brisk day at Soper Creek with our friends from TD Canada and special thanks the MP Erin O’Toole for joining our over 100 volunteers to plant 300 trees.

Fall 2019 Planting Events: Petticoat Creek - TD Tree Days
As part of TD Tree Days and thanks to our generous sponsors TD, we have planted hundreds of trees last month alone, at Petticoat Creek Conservation Authority in Pickering.

Durham Children's Watershed Festival 2019: Oshawa, Ontario
We were proud to once again be part of the annual Durham Children’s Watershed Festival to share information on the wonder of trees.

Ethiopia Breaks World Record for Tree Planting
We are honoured to feature the story of an Ethiopian-Canadian and her family who took part in this week’s amazing tree planting efforts in Ethiopia.

JULY EVENT RECAP: Belleville - 76th Anniversary of Landing in Sicily Day with the Hasty Ps
The Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign was honoured to join the 76th Anniversary of Landing in Sicily Day with the Hasty Ps in Belleville last month.

Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign Puts Down Additional Roots in Cobourg
On Saturday, May 26th, dozens of volunteers, including members of the local Rotary Club and the Royal Canadian Legion, were at Chris Garrett Park to plant trees in connection to the Highway of Heroes Living Tribute.

The First World War – War Diary of The Royal Canadian Regiment
The First World War – War Diary of The Royal Canadian Regiment
Transcription by Captain Michael O’Leary, The RCR

GM Canada Adds Symbolic Trees to Oshawa Site
On November 9th, just two days before Remembrance Day, GM Canada teamed up with the Highway of Heroes Living Tribute to add over 150 new trees at the site of their production facility in Oshawa, Ontario.

2nd Anniversary Celebrations With The Lieutenant Governor In Collaboration with CN EcoConnexions
November 3rd marked the Highway of Heroes Living Tribute 2nd Anniversary.
To celebrate this and in honour Remembrance Day, 500 trees were planted at Meadowvale Rd. and Hwy 401, just off the Highway of Heroes.

Garden Club of Toronto and Highway of Heroes Living Tribute ~ A Partnership
It was the summer of 2015, and on a patio in midtown Toronto, six people gathered to discuss an idea. “How can the Garden Club of Toronto and the Highway of Heroes Living Tribute work together?” It was Michael de Pencier and Elaine Solway who gathered Scott Bryk, the Executive Director of Highway of Heroes Living Tribute, along with Judy Tinning, Suzanne Firth and Amanda Cameron from the Garden Club of Toronto to figure it out.