A tree for every hero
Offered by Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign in collaboration with Forests Ontario's 50 Million Tree Program, the Private Landowner Partnership supported tree planting on private land within 30 km of Highway 401.
The Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign is honouring those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country by planting 117,000 Hero trees directly along the Highway of Heroes between Trenton and Toronto.
In addition, over 1.8 million Service trees are being planted on private land in communities that line the 401 corridor in recognition of all Canadians who served during times of war.
In combination with Forests Ontario's 50 Million Tree Program, the Private Landowner Partnership Program was able to offer landowners funding to support planting of native seedlings to commemorate our Canadian heroes.
Planting will be wrapping up in Spring 2022. Check out our tree map to see where hero and service trees were planted.