Silver Cross Families
Here at the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign, we have had the honour of working with some Silver Cross families at our events. Families who lost a child at war, during a military exercise and other means. Each one serving Canada and its citizens at the time of their death.
We have met and become acquainted with many Silver Cross families since our campaign began almost five years ago. Each has a story that will make you glad you are sitting down, because the shock and sense of loss that they experience is staggering.

Frank Cowan Company - October 18th, Farewell Creek Trail, Courtice
We were honoured to welcome the family of Major Christopher Mariner with our sponsor Frank Cowan Company and our hearty volunteers, to plant 300 in the chilly but sunny day, in Courtice.

Fall 2019 Planting Events: Port Hope - TD Tree Days
Port Hope was the site of another successful TD Tree Day. We were honoured to welcome Silver Cross Mother Barbara Johnson, mother of Private Andrew Johnson.