Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign
Quarterly Meeting

January 21, 2021 10:00 AM

Meeting Minutes

Zoom Meeting Information:

Join Zoom Meeting: 
Meeting ID: 844 2557 4305
Passcode: 381033

Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign Agenda:


2. For Discussion:

- What other areas should be identified as top priority for 2021?

Top priorities for 2021, include:

- Hitting annual planting targets

- Continuing to secure as much in-kind support as possible

- ONroute collaboration

- Highway signage

- Vimy Park

- Conversion of HoH supporters and followers into TFL supporters and followers

- HoH to TFL Transition

- When to start channelling all new donation to TFL? March 1st is the current target. Do we all agree on this?

- Key messaging for supporters and followers – why should a HoH supporter be interested in what TFL will be doing next?

- Potential re-brand of HoH newsletter to TFL newsletter – thoughts on this?


- Meeting Adjourned -