Zoom Meeting Information:
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Meeting ID: 870 9918 8938
Passcode: 000004
Points for Discussion:
1. What is the "announcement" and/or key messaging to push in connection to the 2021 launch of TFL
2. How long does one see the GrandTrees brand continuing to live on?
3. Timing for TFL public Launch? When does it make the most sense to do this? Deadlines/Dates to consider:
a) when to have website live
b) when to have "announcement" event
c) when to start soliciting donations to TFL
d) timing for any advertising or mini-campaign
*While answers to these questions will help to establish deadlines, we don't necessarily have to answer them immediately during tomorrow's meeting. We first need to establish the plan/org/messaging that we are announcing.
4. Thoughts on $1M fundraising goal for TFL in 2021? This would require two strategies: one with NRCan/2BT funding and one without - what might those funding models look like?
5. Ideas for developing strategy to source planting partnerships and/or a robust list of projects that would represent viable options for TFL to fund in 2021 and beyond.
6. Should we consider putting a hold, or deposit down to secure stock?
Documents for Reference: