Cindy McElrea Plants a Tribute to Her Son and His Brothers in Arms from Afghanistan
“Planting the trees first and foremost signifies a very valuable and memorable tribute. In addition, it offers a sanctuary for birds and wildlife, lots of greenery, and a buffer from the 401.”

Master Warrant Officer Bill Chisholm is in his 37th year in the RCAF
“It makes you grow a little taller when people say ‘Thank you for your service!’”, says Bill, but he tells us it makes him proud to know he has trees growing on his property that serve to honour those that have gone before him and those serving now.

Bill Bachellier - 5,000 Trees for 5,000 Heroes
Bill reflects on the 5,000 trees now planted on his property, “It’s really not for me, it’s in honour of some other people who I don’t know, and the benefit will be reaped by somebody else who I may not know.”