Major Christopher Mariner - A UN Peacekeeper

Major Christopher Allan Mariner.png
Major Christopher Allan Mariner2.png

Christopher enlisted in the 7th Toronto at Moss Park as a summer job in 1979 and continued until his acceptance for a university degree at Royal Roads Victoria.

Upon graduation in 1985, he was stationed in Calgary and then in Edmonton with the Lord Strathcona Regiment. He joined the UN forces for a six-month tour of duty in Bosnia in 1994, and was deployed for another UN tour for a year on the Golan Heights in 1998-9.

During the last day of a training exercise in England (plains of Salisbury), Christopher was killed in a tank that overturned. The gas cap was not properly secured and the fumes killed him, as the other officers were also affected and not able to get him out of the tank.

He died in England on October 7, 1999 and is buried in Toronto at Resthaven Cemetery.

His high school remembers him every year during their Remembrance Day Assembly along with the other veterans who attended that school.

A room was named for Christopher at the Lord Strathcona barracks in Edmonton.


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